The information I used are from the following books :
Elvis Rillen-Revue, teil 1 singles
written by Helmut Radermacher and Wolfgang Kühnel
released in 1985 ISBN 3-922932-02-9
Elvis Rillen-Revue, teil 2 Werbeplatten, Schellacks, EP's, Single-Nachtrag
written by Helmut Radermacher and Wolfgang Kühnel
released in 1987 ISBN 3-92293203-7
Elvis on vinyl Germany: Teil 1
written by Peter Baumann
released in 1995 ISBN 3-901418-02-4
How RCA Brought Elvis To Europe
the Nordic Elvis Presley Discography 1956-1977
written by Sigbjørn Stabursvik & Hans Otto Engvold
released in 2016 ISBN 506020 975097
a real inspiration to keep searching for rare records.

Die TELDEC-Story
